๐ŸŒ How to make knowledge base available to everyone on the Internet?

Written by alexa


Updated over a week ago


2 min read

You can easily create your own website that is available to everyone on the Internet. Public Perfect Wiki is a great way to ensure your work is seen and can be very useful for collaborating with others. As an example - have a look at a Perfect Wiki Help Center: https://docs.perfectwiki.com/ 

To Publish the knowledge base to the web:

  1. Go to knowledge base Settings ( a โš™๏ธ sign next to the knowledge base name)
  2. Choose โ€˜Pages Access Controlโ€™ tab and choose โ€˜Anyone on the Internet who has a Linkโ€™ option

    ๐ŸŒ How to make knowledge base available to everyone on the Internet?

At that phase you can share a publicly accessible link with your guests or team members.

๐ŸŒ How to make knowledge base available to everyone on the Internet?

In order to unpublish your knowledge base:

  1. Go to knowledge base Settings ( a โš™๏ธ sign next to the knowledge base name)
  2. Choose โ€˜Pages Access Controlโ€™ tab and choose any option you need (e.g. Only Admins, Editors and Admins etc.) accept the option โ€˜Anyone on the Internet who has a Linkโ€™
  3. After that your knowledge base will become internal and only authorized users will have access to the data inside

โš ๏ธ If you want to create a public wiki on a special domain of your organization (e.g. https://docs.perfectwiki.com/ ) - contact us at hello@perfectwiki.com