🏷️ How can I add tag to a page?

Written by alexa • Updated over a week ago1 min read

Perfect Wiki Tags help you navigate through the knowledge base you create with ease, connecting pages into logically structured networks of information.

⚠️ Tags can be attached only to the page on the whole, not a separate sentence or part of it.

How to add tag?

  1. Make sure you're an editor or admin in Perfect Wiki
  2. Click ‘Start editing’ button in the top right hand corner
  3. Hit ‘+ New Tag’ right under the page title and enter the tag you need
  4. You can add as many tags to the page as you need
🏷️ How can I add tag to a page?

How to delete a tag?

  1. Make sure you're an editor or admin in Perfect Wiki
  2. Click ‘Start editing’ button in the top right hand corner
  3. Hit ‘x’ right next to the existing tag

How to search by tag?

  1. Make sure you're in the reader mode, to do so click ‘Finish editing’
  2. Click on the intended tag on the page or choose a tag from the list in the Quick search window
  3. In the Quick Search window you'll see the search results, namely all the pages marked with the intended tag
  4. You can add more tags to the search using the tags drop down filter
  5. As a result you'll see all pages marked with at least one tag of the choice🏷️ How can I add tag to a page?