How to cancel my subscription and delete the account?

Written by alexa • Updated over a week ago1 min read

If you decided to give up using Perfect Wiki - you may want to cancel your subscription and delete your account altogether. 

To cancel your subscription:

  1. Go to ‘Settings
  2. Choose ‘Billing’ and hit ‘Manage subscription
  3. You'll get to a web-page of our payment provider (FastSpring). In the tab hit ‘Manage subscription’ button and choose ‘Cancel Subscription'.  

Hint: Before Cancelling your subscription you're likely to export all of the data. You can find more information here

You can find a tutorial on cancelling your subscription here: How to Cancel Subscription

In order to delete the account:

  1. Go to Settings→ My Account
  2. At the bottom you'll see the button ‘Delete my account’
  3. Hit it and you're done
  4. How to cancel my subscription and delete the account?