📅 How to backup channel data on a schedule?

Written by alexa • Updated over a week ago1 min read

⚠️ The feature is available on the ULTIMATE and ENTERPRISE plans only.

To set Scheduled Backups

  1. Choose the channel you need a backup of/where you want to export o migrate data from
  2. Click ‘⚙️' next to the channel name
  3. Choose ‘Backups’ tab 
  4. Set the frequency of your backup (monthly/weekly/never)
  5. Choose the format (HTML/PDF)
  6. From the drop down choose the email where the archive with the backup will be sent
📅 How to backup channel data on a schedule?

These settings will be saved as default for the chosen channel, unless you'd like to alter them. In such a way you'll get the updated copy of your knowledge base on a regular basis.